Friday, August 09, 2013

The Return of the Blog or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love My Spare Time...

There comes a time in every old rocker's life when they just have to put down the drum stick, close the lid of the guitar case, put away the knackered Converse sneakers, the hair dye, perming lotion, Spandex and Brut aftershave.. and say, ''

So that's exactly what I did, hence the lack of perfected poise upon these black, barren backdrop these (shuffles lips behind hands) ...or so years...

The issue about blogging is that, at some point, sooner, rather than later, the blogette (in my case) kind of dries up.  You think of some golden pen moment, and whilst lazily thumbing through a copy of 'Bench and Nail' in Homebase one day, you find some damn bugger has beaten you to it.... where's the joy in finding that some four eyed, overall wearing, domino player has too woken up and 2 in the morning with the same brain wave as you???  Was he too, perhaps sitting and watching the same re-run as Emmerdale as me???  You can see where this is going....

So, you get back to work, ditch the dream of ever sitting, over relaxed with a jug of water and a selection of sparkling glasses at your side, batting anecdotes about your rise to writer's fame with Graham Norton on his chat show, and ....get back to work... to the job you are paid to do, not the one you want to do... right?

Yet, recently and quite by reluctant coincidence, I decided, yes!  Hold that thought Mr Homebase, and keep that cushion plumped, Mr Norton!  In the immortal words of Ali G....

I is back!

(I have just got to think about something to write about.....)

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