Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Yes? So what if I can't stand up!

There is nothing more crippling in this day and age than stomach flu. Yes, I know, I am quiet well aware of the contorted faces now being pulled by my dozen or so faithful readers, but I have laid in my sick bed contemplating this as a post - daring I know, but here it goes... Ok, so I won't deal with one end (I shall save you that) but it has given me time not only to drift aimlessly through a large collection of coffee table rag mag tat, but to think for a moment how delicate live really is (too heavy? You're probably right...) The stomach is a wonderful thing. We chuck rubbish at it at a daily basis in the hope and the expectation that it will deal with this garbage like some combine harvester on a cool August day. Yet, every so often, it says 'hang on a cotton pickin' mo! This organ is now dining out on oysters and rich French wine??? What happened to that nice plate of veggies from the Carvery at the weekend???' Ok - so we can't get away with a good plate of some foreign dribble from some expensive pad where a week's wage is the price one pays for a small tea.... On my way to the office this morning, I drove passed a MacDonalds truck happy stating along the side their pride in using cooking oil for fuel.... not sure if one can run a small child on what they shove in their 16 wheelers.. however, every trip to a fast food outlet must be what the stomach feels we are doing....

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