Monday, August 19, 2013

Unicorn Lunches and Rumble Strips

It occured to me driving through the depts of the Cotswolds on a sunny Sunday afternoon last Tuesday, how the world of minor advertising actually succeeds. To be honest, if the chairman of ICI ever sat down at the head of the conference room, and said, "Hey everybody, I have got a really good idea! Let's join forces with the Teletubbies and get them to do a jingle for us!" I don't think that would have gone down too well... so, when it comes to minor guesses at what will entice the customer to drift in and sniff the wares, must be all down to sheer.... luck or judgement yet, the advertiser can never put in the mind what the mind wants to dress up for the rest of the body... Driving passed a oldy worldy pub, all quaint and chocolate box, I spied the name of the establishment - The Unicorn and outside was a chalkboard advertising the tempting delights of the the lunchtime menu.. UNICORN LUNCHES! (To which my Monty Python mind switched to images of Unicorn on toast, grilled Unicorn... Unicorn and chips, Welsh Unicorn and plates so big, that another foot of dish has to be supplied for the horn....) Journeying further down the road, I came across some Rumble Strips... mmmm, I thought, drenched in BBQ sauce..... Good Grief! I have just come across some unicorn cup cakes!

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